YouTube butcher’s 15 bird roast will feed homeless at St Paul’s Hostel

Scott Rea, whose YouTube butchery channel has over 3million views, has dropped the behemoth bird off to St Paul’s Hostel where it will be served up with Christmas dinner.
Mr Rea, from St John’s, Worcester, was overwhelmed by the response to his appeal in the Worcester News to find a worthy home for the poultry dish. The YouTube star, whose channel is called Scott Rea Project, called his creation “culinary engineering with a soupcon of lunacy”.
“I was absolutely blown away when I dropped it off. “They’re going to use it for a Christmas meal for 50 people – it’s brilliant. “It was great to hand it over, obviously these are people who are not having a great time. “You think about it more at Christmas but it is going on all year. “I’m really happy it has gone to a good home.”