I had no reason to think it would have such a positive impact on my life

I was extremely depressed having lost most of my stability, my home and most of my possessions and things were at breaking point. After spending many years trying to get help for myself, I thought nothing could help me.
Then I met with the Counsellor at St Pauls Hostel and he showed me different techniques which have helped me on my road to recovery. Counselling has helped me look at my thought processes and how they were feeding my negative feelings. Counselling has helped me to take control of my thoughts and stopped them from controlling my moods and controlling things that I did or didn’t do.
This combined with new medication to help calm me down has had a wonderful impact on my life and I find myself using the tools that the Counsellor has shown me every single day. I am glad to say that they are making me able to cope with everyday life whereas before I found impossible. I have formed some good habits and managed to get rid of some old ones that were no help to my life.
I am by no means 100% but every week that goes by I am making improvements and I know that if it wasn’t for my counselling sessions I wouldn’t be looking forward again. I would be stuck in a pit of despair and depression with no means of getting out.