Celebrating Success 

2 residents are employed through our Kitchen Assistant Training Programme; 9 other residents have gained valuable kitchen experience...

2 residents are employed through our Kitchen Assistant Training Programme; 9 other residents have gained valuable kitchen experience. A former resident helped with a local Neighborhood Community Kitchen in Warndon. This former paid employee Kitchen Assistant was sadly unable to continue his employment at the hostel due to a medical condition that affected the use of his hands. However, this has not stopped his determination to support others and over a 3-month period he attended the community kitchen twice a week to train their volunteers to cook meals for the local community struggling with bills. This gave him so much pride in what he could achieve and enjoyed training others

30% of those who left the hostel in the last 12 months moved into secure accommodation, either their own tenancy or back to their families

40 residents attended Direct Access Counselling and Mindfulness sessions delivered by our in-house Counsellor and Holistic Coach

Housing First, Worcester project:

  • 76% of current cases are in settled accommodation. The period of tenancies at present, vary from under 6 months to over 24 months, with 28% of those sustaining their tenancies for over 24 months
  • An analysis of custodial data pre & post Housing First intervention evidenced a reduction is custodial sentences by 95%

Your support matters
Your support makes a difference! Your donations change lives! Thank you for your on-going support.