Today, I’ll try my best to shine

Today, I’ll try my best to shine
With every fibre within me that’s mine
I’ll hopefully open my eyes
Look up to the most beautiful skies
And breathe such a deep intake
That my knees might begin to shake
With the new purposefulness of today.
There’s no need to look back and betray
The next 24 hours, with the damage
Of my unfortunate past by paying homage
To it now. Today deserves a better start.
Something fresh that will treasure my heart
There’s joy in almost anything, if I leave behind
The confined and maligned state of mind.
I can be free today and me today and give
Such wonders to the world today, if I forgive
Myself for my part in my own downfall.
Today I’ll wrap myself in my protective shawl
Of my own existence. Life is to be enjoyed
Not more internalised battles to be deployed.
So please, let me share one moment of your time
Because today, I’ll try my best to shine
Anon – aka “The poet with passion”