We’re recruiting – Relief Project Worker

Job Title: Relief Project Worker (also known as ‘Bank Staff or Relief Staff’)
Salary: Hourly rate £12 plus £1.45 holiday rate.
There is also an overnight allowance for sleeping in of £50.40.
Location: Worcester City, Worcestershire.
We are looking for Relief project workers to join our team within a busy Worcester hostel. We are open 365 days a year and deliver a housing Management service working with people who have experienced homelessness. We require bank staff to cover holiday, sickness. There are 3 shift patterns; 9.00am to 5pm, 10am –3pm and 4.30pm to 9.30am sleeping in from 12 midnight to 7am.
Being part of an innovative and admired local charity, St Paul’s Hostel has a clear sense of purpose, a strong identify and a culture that engenders clear accountability, so the team are empowered to get on with rewarding and challenging work.
St Paul’s Hostel, a charity established in 1977, have a mission to help people live through homelessness so that Worcestershire is a place where all forms of homelessness are rare, brief, and non-recurrent.
What will success in the role look like?
Deliver a Housing Management that builds on 4 key tasks.
- Build psychological safety. Not only must they be kept safe but also, they must feel safe so that trust can be developed.
- Build relationships and resilience to underpin recovery.
- Re-connect. People need friendships, help and support to live an inter-dependent life.
- Work with partners to prevent further episodes of homelessness.
What do we need from an applicant?
The right attitude of mind. We define this as being enthusiastic about the people we help but also having strong interpersonal skills. A successful applicant will possess good listening and question asking skills, the ability to handle anxiety and stress and recognise personal boundaries in what can sometimes be challenging situations.
Good numeracy and literacy are essential as well as being proficient with Word (other software is desirable). Having a driving license, without any convictions, is desirable.
The Core Qualities we admire
- Having no preconceptions, ensuring a fresh perspective, objectively appraising each situation and person.
- Showing concerns for others and a strong desire to act to change the situation
- A belief that positive change is always possible.
- A commitment to reflecting on what went well, what did not and how things could be done differently.
- Mutuality. Commitment to transparent relationships that are fairly negotiated from the beginning to ensure mutual benefit.
To download an application form – please see HERE
For more information on our strategy and mission – please see HERE
For further information or to chat please contact felicity.james@stpaulshostel.co.uk