The St Paul’s Twelve Days of Christmas
This year we wanted to take time to celebrate and look back over the last 12 months.

This year we wanted to take time to celebrate and look back over the last 12 months. To kick things off for our first day we wanted to talk about the Bike Maintenance Project.
Following a successful Crowdfunding Campaign, we launched our Bike Maintenance Project. Since its launch, we appointed a resident as a Peer Mentor whose role is to oversee the day to day running of the project, manage the stock and learn new skills that he in turn passes onto residents. This project enables residents to learn how to safely maintain their bikes and reduce the number of bikes that are discarded when broken.
Terry also has a few bikes that he loans to residents who do not have one, so that they can attend appointments. This project not only builds news skills, in builds relationships and trust – vital elements in Trauma Informed Care. It also increases physical activity that is beneficial to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Thank you to everyone who supported this campaign and thank you to Worcestershire Advance, who have sponsored the role of Peer Mentor this year.

For day two, we wanted to talk about our Memorial Garden.
Working with Christian Dowle and his team from Garden Inspiration Ltd we designed and landscaped the front of the hostel. This project faced many challenges, including a pandemic and two lockdowns.
The development of the garden aligns with our Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) our aim was to create an area that not only felt welcoming on arrival, but also provides opportunities for residents to further develop their interest in horticulture as well as a Memorial Garden where past residents & colleagues who have since past, can be remembered. It encourages residents to engage in outdoor activities and build confidence are a vital element of their recovery, resettlement, and progression route back into the community.
The official opening of the garden was unfortunately delayed due to sudden passing of our late Queen. This will now take place in the Spring of 2023 and will be dedicated to Robin Sykes, one of the founding Trustees of St Paul’s Hostel back in 1977 and who remained intricately connected to St Paul’s, being Chair of Trustees, Treasurer a member of the board until his death in 2019. During the early 1980s Robin was actively involved in getting the hostel built.

Day 3: Goodbye’s & Hello’s
We have said a sad goodbye to some of our team over the last 12 months, including our long serving, Chef & Catering Manager, Gregg Dobson. Greg had been with St Paul’s for many years and left big boots to fill! These were filled beautifully by our new Chef & Catering Manager, Joanne Graysmark, who hit the ground running and made the role her own very quickly.
In addition to Jo, we said ‘hello’ to some new members of the team, and officially welcome, Emma, Assistant Chef, Darren & Sam to the Catering team, Mandie to our Housekeeping team, Nikki as Case Manager for RSAP and Habeeb as a Project Worker in the hostel. You have all, already made an impact in the short times you have been at St Paul’s, and we look forward to the future with you all.
We say Goodbye to our Chair of 6 years, Claire Bridges and hello to our former Vice-Chair, Philip Fowler who will now Chair the charity. We are delighted that Claire will remain on the Board of Trustees.
We also pay a special tribute to Robyn Sykes, one of our Founders and a long-standing Trustee & a resident, Ben Kreisler. The passing of both Robyn and Ben impacted not only on the residents and staff, but on the wider community, both being well-known and respected. In the Spring of 2023, St Paul’s will officially open our Memorial Garden, dedicated to Robyn Sykes but also a place to remember people who experienced homelessness and have sadly passed away.

Day 4: Peer Mentoring Program – people with lived experience
Our Peer Mentor program aims to provide a transition for residents, from volunteering to paid employment as part of their journey of recovery. The roles use ‘lived experience’ of homelessness (or addiction or bereavement) to engage & encourage other residents to change. Practically, they help staff every day & take on important tasks. They are an important part of the ‘toolbox’ to help a person’s recovery. Our Resident’s Peer Mentor helps new residents settle into the hostel or new home, accompanying them to GP and/or other appointments. Our Bike Maintenance Peer Mentor oversees the day to day running of our residents’ Bike Maintenance Project. Working with a professional bike mechanic, he is learning the skills required to maintain & repair bikes which in turn he teaches & supports other residents. We employ a former resident as Peer Support Worker on our Housing First service, another has since moved onto employment with hospital transport but has continued to Peer Mentor as a volunteer.
We also work closely with Healthwatch Worcestershire & since September 2021 we have created a ‘Community Link’ to facilitate deeper & richer Healthwatch engagement. This role carried out by a long-term hostel resident. This is not without its difficulties, to broadcast Peer Mentoring as simple would be disingenuous. We must work hard to listen & to explain what we can change & what we cannot, whilst retaining an authentic relationship with the people we help.
Residents are also encouraged to attend meeting with funders & other services to share their experiences. Their testimonies are hard-hitting, real & bring to life the challenges and barriers that are faced daily. Their testimonies create change.

Day 5: Charity of the Year partners
We have had the pleasure of working with two fabulous organisations, Hewett Recruitment and Worcestershire Advance.
Building relationships with local organisations and the community are so important. These relationships are not only about fundraising, but they also play a vital role in raising awareness of the issues faced by people experiencing homelessness. Both organisations have gone above and beyond in supporting us, from donations, helping decorate some of the residents’ rooms, sponsoring Peer Mentor roles and sponsoring and attending The Big Worcester Sleep Out 2022. We are so grateful to all the staff at Hewett Recruitment and the members of Worcestershire Advance for the support we have been given.
In November we were selected by the Black Pear Joggers as their charity partner for the coming year. We are delighted to be working with this group and look forward to the year ahead.

Day6: High Sheriff Awards
In March, we were delighted and immensely proud to see two members of the St Paul’s team, Ginette Sadler, and Libby Tunley-Davies, awarded with the High Sheriff Award.
Ginette, Service Manager, for our Housing First Worcester project, received her award for exemplary leadership and dedication to the vulnerable. She has led the service from the start, increased the number of participants and staff, and led the support during the National ‘Everyone In’ effort, bringing rough sleepers in during the height of the pandemic. Despite receiving a diagnosis of Breast Cancer in 2020, Ginette continued to lead her team and hardly missed a day from work throughout her treatment.
Libby, Housing Officer has worked at St Paul’s for over 4 years and always goes above and beyond to support the residents and her colleagues. She excels in her role as Housing Officer, and but Libby is the first to step up to cover where needed, often without being asked and is no stranger in our Kitchen where she stepped in and covered when our Catering Manager had COVID.

Day 7: Essential Upgrades & Maintenance Project
This has been on-going since March 2020 and continues until all major capital works are complete. Led by our Facilities & Support Manager, Amanda McKinley and backed by various stakeholders, the achievements so far, and during this last 12 months have been fabulous and have made a positive impact on the well-being of residents and staff.
To date, we have:
Upgraded the Fire Alarm System, Installed new boilers and radiators, Installed a new CCTV system
48 new Fire Doors, Complete rewire of hostel and offices, lights, and emergency light system, Upgrade of hot water pipework and new showers, New front door and entry system, Patio doors leading onto the Steppingstones Garden, Additional internal security door, New flooring fitted residential areas, Painting and refurbishment of hostel rooms and social areas, New wi-fi system
There is still more to do, but we are almost there! Thank you to everyone who has helped us achieve so much.

For day eight, love was in the air!
Love was certainly in the air at St Paul’s this year, with not one but two weddings! In July, our Fundraising Manager, Annamarie, became Mrs Brant at the Molineux stadium, home of Wolverhampton Wanderers FC. In August Libby, one of our Housing Officers, became Mrs Tunley-Davies at Cardiff City Hall.
Congratulations again, Annamarie & Nigel, and Libby & Paul.

Day 9: COVID Vaccination Programme
St Paul’s worked with the Public Health and arranged for the vaccination programme to be rolled out at the hostel with all residents having all three vaccinations. The on-going process is that new residents in need of vaccinations are duly given an appointment to have their vaccines.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, St Paul’s have worked closely with Public Health ensuring the vaccination programme was rolled out to include our residents and in October of this year, working in partnership with Hereford & Worcester NHS Vaccination Team, we began our Autumn COVID Booster vaccination.
Thank you to all the teams across Public Health & the NHS for your support.

Day 10: Nationwide Community Fund
In May we were over the moon to announce that we had been successful with our application for funding. The grant of £50,000 over 2 years, helps fund our Kitchen Assistant Training programme.
In the lead up to Nationwide’s official announcement of the successful projects, we had the pleasure of working with Chelle Williams, Community Grants Programme – West Region Lead and their Media team to produce a fabulous film about the project. In the film, “Steve’s Story” Steve explains how the project has impacted on his life and Jonathan Sutton, CEO of St Paul’s explains the work of the charity and why our Trauma Informed delivery model is so important.

Day 11: Running for St Paul’s
Louise Bickley did us all proud when she took part in the Great North Run, raising £325 (plus Gift Aid) in the process.
When she had completed it, she said “I did it!! Wow what an experience and atmosphere. Such a once in a lifetime experience. I met some lovely people, so friendly and supportive. My watch died on the run, and I had no clue of the time until I finished but it was 1.53! So pleased. I was so proud to run for St Pauls. Roll on London!!
Louise will be running in the London Marathon in 2023, raising more money for St Paul’s. We will be following her training schedule and of course the event itself on our Facebook page and in our eNewsletters.
Thank to everyone who donated and supported Louise and of course a HUGE THANK YOU to Louise.

Day 12: The Big Worcester Sleep Out 2022
Wow! It was good to be back at Sixways and what a fabulous turn out we had!
After the cancellation of our 2021 event, we were determined to make it a night to remember, and it certainly was. We saw an increase of attendees by 67%, of which 47% were attending for the first time. The final amount raised was over £12,000.
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported the event by attending or sponsoring someone to attend. We express our heartfelt thanks to A C Event Catering who again provided a tummy warming BBQ and the Rapid Relief Emergency team who arrived at 4.20am to prepare hot drinks and bacon sandwiches again for us, and to Hewett Recruitment not only sponsored the event but also had a team of staff attending.
These events do not happen overnight, they take 12 months of planning, which is already underway for 2023. The team consists of Jonathan Sutton, CEO & Annamarie Brant, Fundraising Manager, St Paul’s Hostel; Carol Hart, CEO, Worcester Warriors Foundation; Mel Kirk, CEO & Kerry Wilson, Administrator, Maggs and Tristan Palmer, Creative Director, Tristan Palmer Studio.
Last but by no means least, we want to say a HUGE thank you to Carol Hart and all the team at the foundation and Worcester Warriors RFC for their support during what was a particularly challenging time for them, especially the WWRFC staff who gave their time freely to ensure that everyone who attended was comfortable and safe.