Homeless people can’t be helped because they won’t help themselves

By finding someone the right support, the right support worker and something purposeful to do, we believe everyone can be helped.
At St Paul’s we have learnt the success to helping people live through homelessness is to create a trusting relationship with a person experiencing homelessness.
Our own Theory of Change identifies the three decisive conditions we consider necessary for a person to be able to live interdependently.
We also recognise that change is not linear or fast. We use the Trans-theoretical model of change (Prochaska and DiClemente).

I had built up rent arrears from another property through a change in housing benefits. I slept rough for two days.
St Paul’s has helped me through building myself up from nothing to working part-time as a chef and getting back in contact with my family. I am now clean of class A and prescription drugs.
I want to get my own place again and a full time job.
If you see someone homeless, don’t abuse them as you don’t know what they have been through.
£100 would enable someone like Darren to take part in activities that build back their confidence and help them re-integrate in the community.